© Leixlip Town Twinning Association 2025
The wait is nearly up and this week-end Leixlip will finally host “Na Cluichí Speisialta”. This event organised by the Leixlip Town Twinning association is a set of games for people with physical or mental disabilities. A Conference on EU Citizenship & Disability will also take place on Friday night to highlight some of the issues and challenges of those with disabilities and their families. Up to 6 games will be chosen for Athletes from France, Ireland, Norway and Scotland. Approximately 100 Athletes and Guardians/Parents will be involved. The organising of the games has been a massive project for all involved in the committees the group have been amazed at the response of the people of Leixlip. There have been many fund raising events which have been widely supported and the response of volunteers has been great with over 150 people putting their names forward. On Saturday 24th we will commence with an Athlete Welcome Parade at 9.30am from The Mill Lane to Our-Lady’s Nativity Church car park. Brass & Pipe bands, Vintage cars, Irish Dancers and many more will take part. We invite all residents of Leixlip & Confey to come out and show your support to all taking part in the games and the parade itself. The Games will be held in Leixlip Amenities Centre and Confey GAA commencing at 11am and running throughout the day until approx. 4.30pm. Examples of games that will be played will be 10-pin bowling, Boccia, Curling, Horse shoe throwing and even laser shooting and all are welcome to come and view the games in either location. Sunday morning we Transfer to Leisureplex Tallaght for Bowling and sightseeing in the afternoon. The medal presentations will take place in St Marys GAA Club on Sunday night and afterwards an evening of entertainment will bring to an end a wonderful weekend. We extend a sincere thanks to all our volunteers without whom the event wouldn’t be possible. We also thank most sincerely all who have supported our fundraising efforts over the past months which together with financial support from the EU, LTC and local businesses we expect to cover the very substantial cost of hosting the games. This event would also not be possible without the cross community backing of different youth and sporting groups in Leixlip and the response from all of these clubs has been immense. We appreciate all the efforts and are exceptionally proud of the response of the people of the people of Leixlip. Many thanks again and we hope to see you all on Saturday morning for a fun and enjoyable event and to show Leixlip at its finest.